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How will
it go?

All selected films will be screened across two screens at PVR CINEMA over two days. Festival pass holders can watch any film from morning 8:30 AM to midnight. They will also have the opportunity to rate the films they watch. These audience ratings will be combined with the jury’s scores to determine the final awards. Moreover, films that attract higher viewership will receive additional points based on their popularity.

The awards will be presented by renowned guests in a grand ceremony, ensuring that each winner’s hard work and creativity are celebrated in a fitting manner.

Lifetime Achievement Award

At the upcoming CineDreams International Film Festival (CDIFF) 2025, we are honored to present Lifetime Achievement Awards to five iconic figures in the Bollywood industry: a Writer, Director, Producer, Actor, and Actress. This prestigious recognition celebrates their unmatched contributions, unwavering dedication, and profound influence on the world of cinema. Their remarkable journeys have not only shaped Bollywood but have also left an enduring mark on the hearts of audiences worldwide. Join us as we honor these legendary figures and pay tribute to their lifetime of work, passion, and commitment to the art of filmmaking.

Awards of the night

Our esteemed jury members will meticulously screen all submissions. After their thorough evaluation, selected films will be nominated for the following awards

Awards with Cash Prize + Trophy & Certificate

Best film will receive a cash prize of 25k along with a trophy and certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

Best Director will receive a cash prize of 25k along with a trophy and certificate

Best Director will receive a cash prize of 25k along with a trophy and certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

Best Story will receive a cash prize along with trophy and certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a handsome cash prize, a spectacular trophy and a certificate

*Conditions Apply

Awards with Trophy & Certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate

This Category will receive a spectacular trophy and a certificate


27th - 29th May 2025


PVR, Juhu

Award Ceremony

29th May 2025


PVR, Juhu


29th August '24

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